Have a list? This service is designed for students who already know which colleges they’d like to visit. We will build an itinerary around the schools that they most want to see.
You provide us a list of up to six colleges you would like to visit.
Working with our professional travel advisor from Luxe Traveler Club, we make all travel, hotel and campus visit arrangements and provide suggestions for dining and sightseeing.
Through our partnership with Campus Sherpa, we can arrange a one-on-one meeting with a current student at each college you visit.
If you have a little extra time, our travel advisor can help turn your college visit into a vacation for the entire family.
All of this information can be downloaded to a cell phone app that will keep your travel details organized and update your information in real time.
Need a list? This service is designed for students who are just beginning the college process and are unsure where they would like to apply. Get U Going can help create a list of appropriate schools as well as plan your travel.
You provide grades, standardized test scores, an extracurricular profile and a list of other parameters that are guiding your college search.
Drawing on our many years of experience in the college counseling field, we carefully analyze the information and send you a customized list of roughly 20 to 30 colleges that reflect your academic profile and interests.
You review the list of colleges and tell us which campuses you'd like to visit.
Working with our professional travel advisor from Luxe Traveler Club, we make all travel, hotel and campus visit arrangements and provide suggestions for dining and sightseeing.
Through our partnership with Campus Sherpa, we can arrange a one-on-one meeting with a current student at each college you visit.
If you have a little extra time, our travel advisor can help turn your college visit into a vacation for the entire family.
All of this information can be downloaded to a cell phone app that will keep your travel details organized and update your information in real time.